If you’re a high-end Asio user, you know that Asio docs are usually "terse". You may have read statements like "calls require(ex, execution::blocking.never).execute(…​) ". If you navigate to the execution::blocking.never, you may find generic sentences like "A sub-property that indicates that invocation of an executor’s execution function shall not block […​]".

I’ve experimented this a lot of times, so I’ve decided to put all the knowledge I’ve been acquiring together in a single post. This article is geared towards Asio high-end users and library writers (we won’t be covering what an io_context is).

Executor vs. execution context refresher

You probably already know this, but let’s refresh. An execution context is a heavyweight object containing the means to execute code. asio::io_context and asio::thread_pool are examples of this.

On the other hand, executors are cheap-to-copy handles to execution contexts. They are the preferred way to submit work to execution contexts. Executors are the subject of our discussion, since properties apply to them.

Submitting a function to an executor: dispatch(), post() and defer()

As you may know, these functions are the preferred way to submit functions to an executor. In their simplest form, they take a nullary completion token as argument:

void f() {
    printf("I'm a function\n");

int main() {
    asio::io_context ctx;
    asio::dispatch(asio::bind_executor(ctx.get_executor(), f));

Any of these three functions guarantee that f will be executed on the executor associated to f. While the three functions difer on how f is scheduled, all of them provide this guarantee.

The default associated executor is the system_executor

Does this code compile?

void f() {
    printf("I'm a function\n");

int main() {

We’re submitting f for execution, but f doesn’t have an associated executor.

It does build, and f will get executed. That’s because if an object doesn’t have an associated executor, the system executor (asio::system_executor) is used. The system executor doesn’t provide guarantees on which thread your function will be run on, so this must be used with caution to avoid data races.

The difference between post() and dispatch()

Many other blog posts talk about this, so let’s be brief. defer() is almost never used, so let’s focus on the other two.

Let’s stay concrete and stick to io_context. When invoked from a thread that is not calling io_context::run(), they both queue the submitted function for execution:

void f() {
    printf("I'm a function\n");

int main() {
    asio::io_context ctx;

    // Doesn't call f immediately, queues it
    asio::dispatch(asio::bind_executor(ctx.get_executor(), f));

    // Doesn't call f immediately, queues it too
    asio::post(asio::bind_executor(ctx.get_executor(), f));

    // Executes f twice

When called from a thread that is calling run(), post() will queue the function (as in the previous case), but dispatch() will run the function immediately, before dispatch() returns:

void f() { printf("Function f\n"); }
void g() { printf("Function g\n"); }

int main()
    asio::io_context ctx;
    auto ex = ctx.get_executor();

    // Submit the lambda for execution. Invoked as part of run()
    asio::post(asio::bind_executor(ex, [ex] {
        printf("Lambda entry\n");

        // Since this lambda is running from a thread calling run(),
        // if will be invoked immediately, as part of the dispatch call
        asio::dispatch(asio::bind_executor(ex, f));

        // However, g will not be executed as part of the lambda. It will be queued
        // and run after the lambda returns
        asio::post(asio::bind_executor(ex, g));

        printf("Lambda exit\n");


// Prints:
//   Lambda entry
//   Function f
//   Lambda exit
//   Function g

The following diagram shows how these call chains work:

asio props

Both post() and dispatch() guarantee that the passed function is run as dictated by the rules of its associated executor. post() is usually slower than dispatch() due to the additional queueing guarantees it provides. post() is usually employed to prevent stack overflow in async chains that may complete immediately. I will expand on this in a later post.

Networking TS executors vs. proposed standard executors

You may have come accross these terms when reading Asio docs. If you consult io_context::executor docs, you will encounter the following member functions:

  • post(), dispatch(), defer(), on_work_started() and on_work_finished(). Executors with these functions fulfill the requirements of networking TS executors. This is an older, simpler model.

  • execute(), query() and require(). These functions implement the proposed standard executors, though a newer, more complex system of properties.

Both models co-exist in Asio. Some functions and classes work only with standard executors (e.g. any_io_executor), while others work with both. In general, Asio prefers using the standard executor model vs. the networking TS model, if both are available.

Note that we’ve been calling the asio::post() standalone function, not the io_context::post() member function. Actually, asio::post() will not call io_context::post() as part of its implementation - we’ll delve deeper in further sections.

The property system

So how are asio::post() and asio::dispatch() implemented? They use the new property system.

Recall that executors are lightweight handles to execution contexts. In our case, io_context is an execution context, while io_context::executor is a lightweight, cheap-to-copy handle that allows submitting work to the underlying io_context.

Under this new system, executors implement a single function, execute(). Like the old post() and dispatch() member functions, it accepts a function without arguments, which will be submitted for execution.

io_context::executor stores internally some flags that dictate what "executing a function" means. For instance, one of the flags enables executing the passed function as part of execute(). If the flag is set, execute() behaves like dispatch(), otherwise, it behaves like a post().

The flags I’ve been talking about are exposed to the user as properties of an executor. This is a complex, extensible system that can represent much more than flags.

To set a property of an executor, call asio::require(ex, prop), which returns a new executor with prop set. For instance:

void f() { printf("Function f\n"); }
void g() { printf("Function g\n"); }

int main()
    asio::io_context ctx;
    auto ex = ctx.get_executor();

    // Submit the lambda for execution. Invoked as part of run()
    asio::post(asio::bind_executor(ex, [ex] {
        printf("Lambda entry\n");

        // Executes f through ex. If no property is set, execute()
        // behaves like dispatch(), so f will be run immediately, as part of execute()

        // Create a copy of ex, setting the blocking property to never.
        // This will make execute() behave like post()
        auto ex2 = asio::require(ex, asio::execution::blocking.never);

        // g will not be executed as part of the lambda. It will be queued
        // and run after the lambda returns

        printf("Lambda exit\n");

    // Executes f twice

// Prints:
//   Lambda entry
//   Function f
//   Lambda exit
//   Function g

asio::prefer(ex, prop) behaves similarly to require, but does not guarantee that the returned executor will have the property set (it just indicates a preference). asio::query(ex, prop) retrieves the value of a property.

There is a lot of template machinery behind this system to allow for customization points and type-safety. For instance, asio::require(ctx.get_executor(), asio::execution::mapping.new_thread) (which asks the executor to launch every passed function into its own new thread) will fail to compile, since io_context can’t satisfy this. Error messages can be cryptic, though.

The blocking property

As we’ve seen before, this property controls whether the function passed to execute() can be run immediately, as part of execute(), or must be queued for later execution. Possible values are:

  • asio::execution::blocking.never: never run the function as part of execute(). This is what asio::post() does.

  • asio::execution::blocking.possibly: the function may or may not be run as part of execute(). This is the default (what you get when calling io_context::get_executor).

  • asio::execution::blocking.always: the function is always run as part of execute(). This is not supported by io_context::executor.

The relationship property

relationship can take two values:

  • asio::execution::relationship.continuation: indicates that the function passed to execute() is a continuation of the function calling execute().

  • asio::execution::relationship.fork: the opposite of the above. This is the default (what you get when calling io_context::get_executor()).

Setting this property to continuation enables some optimizations in how the function gets scheduled. It only has effect if the function is queued (as opposed to run immediately). For io_context, when set, the function is scheduled to run in a faster, thread-local queue, rather than the context-global one.

Understanding asio::dispatch and asio::post docs

Armed with this knowledge, we are ready to understand Asio’s docs on post. In essence, post(f):

  • Obtains the executor associated to f. Recall that this is system_executor by default.

  • Sets the asio::execution::blocking.never property by calling require. This guarantees that f won’t be ever run inline, even if called from a io_context thread.

  • Attempts to set asio::execution::relationship.fork property by using prefer, disabling any optimization related to continuation.

  • Attempts to set the asio::execution::allocator property. We haven’t seen this property, but it’s a way to customize memory allocations that the executor may need to perform.

  • Calls execute() on the resulting executor.

Note that this only happens if execution::is_executor<Ex>::value is true. This type trait tests whether Ex is a "proposed standard executor" (vs a "networking TS executor"). Otherwise, it attempts to call Ex::post.

On the other hand, dispatch(f):

  • Obtains the executor associated to f.

  • Attempts to set the asio::execution::allocator property.

  • Calls execute() on the resulting executor.

That is, asio::dispatch is almost equivalent to calling execute() directly. When used with the executor returned by io_context::get_executor(), this will behave like we described above.

Work tracking

The asio::execution::outstanding_work property is related to work tracking. For an io_context, "work tracking" refers to an internal counter that controls when io_context::run returns. The counter starts at zero, is incremented when asynchronous operations are started, and decremented again when they complete. When the counter reaches zero, io_context::run returns.

For instance:

int main()
    // The work counter starts at zero.
    // If we called run() now, it would return immediately.
    asio::io_context ctx;

    // Create an I/O object. Counter is still zero.
    asio::steady_timer tim{ctx.get_executor()};

    // Schedule an async operation. The counter is incremented.
    tim.async_wait([](error_code) {
        // When the operation completes, the counter is decremented.
        printf("Timer finished");

    // Run the context. Work tracking guarantees that run() won't return
    // until the timer has expired and all the handlers have run

While counter management usually happens automatically, it can be triggered manually using the asio::execution::outstanding_work property. When set to asio::execution::outstanding_work.tracked, executors behave like a RAII-style resource which increment the work counter when constructed, and decrement it when destructed.

For instance:

void f() { printf("Function f\n"); }

int main()
    asio::io_context ctx;

    // Spawn a thread that has nothing to do with the io_context, that sleeps
    // for some time and then dispatches a callback to the io_context.
    // This simulates an external event source.
    // When ex is created, the work counter is incremented.
    std::jthread t{[ex = asio::require(ctx.get_executor(), asio::execution::outstanding_work.tracked)] {
        // Sleep

        // Submit the function for execution. By moving the executor,
        // we guarantee that the work counter is decremented when the work is done
        // (think of ex like a smart pointer).
        asio::dispatch(asio::bind_executor(std::move(ex), f));

    // Without the require statement, run() would return before the asio::dispatch
    // call is made, and f wouldn't be called.

This mechanism is used by functions like async_compose, so it’s good to know about it. It’s also used internally by async operations to keep work active on executors bound to completion tokens. For instance:

int main()
    // I/O context running the completions
    asio::io_context ctx;

    // A thread pool of one thread, that will run timers.
    // Note that thread_pool is run internally, by its own threads,
    // we don't need to explicitly call run()
    asio::thread_pool pool{1};

    // Create the timer
    asio::steady_timer tim{pool.get_executor()};

    // Launch the timer wait. Since the completion token
    // we're passing to async_wait has an associated executor,
    // Asio will maintain active work for this executor until
    // the lambda is called. This uses the property system, as the example above.
            [](error_code ec) { printf("timer expired\n"); }

    // Run the I/O context.


Executor properties are not that hard once you understand them. Sooner or later, you end up having to write a test that involves a custom executor, or get an unintelligible compile error about something not confirming to the executor concept. When this happens, knowing how this all works will definitely help.